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Possible Errors

Connection Refused (ECONNREFUSED)

If you see a connect ECONNREFUSED error, it means that the IP address and/or port that you specified in your .env file might be wrong.

When doing npm run test, you might see this:

[nodemon] clean exit - waiting for changes before restart

This occurs when the bot crashes immediately (most probably because of the ECONNREFUSED error).

Module not found

  • Make sure that you have done npm i or npm install.
  • Make sure you have Node.js installed. It should be v14 or higher.
  • Make sure you have cd foldername. You want your terminal to go inside the folder where you've cloned Sandmine.js.
  • Make sure you haven't deleted any main files like index.js or src/events. If you don't really have much knowledge of JavaScript, it's recommended that you just delete files from src/functions folder to turn off particular functions, unless you know what you're doing.

localhost refused to connect


In order to make localhost connect, you need to make sure that you have either done node . or npm run test.

Other errors

Are you seeing an error that is not mentioned here? Well, you should report it by clicking here. I'd be more than happy to help, and there might be others that are down to help you as well.